About Us

The Thai Society of Higher Education Institutes on the Environment (TSHE) was founded in 2005, with aims to develop academic standards and environment personnel. To fulfill the objectives of the society, more than 15 Thai universities that offer courses on the environment have contributed to the activities of the TSHE. The activities include the following:

1. Developing the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, (TQF:HEd 1)

2. Publishing an environmental journal – EnvironmentAsia, a rapidly-growing academic journal, which is included in databases such as Scopus, DOAJ, EBSCO, TCI, Geobase, EuroPub, and ASEAN Citation Index.

3. Organizing international conferences on the environment – EnvironmentAsia, and

4. Leading activities on the environment and other relevant activities.
Hence, the TSHE showcases the academic outcomes and the unity of all the institutes offering courses on the environment.

The contribution of every institute has played a significant role in the progress of the society. The society is indebted to its two previous presidents, namely, Associate Professor Dr. Anuchart Puangsamlee and Assistant Professor Dr. Sitthipong Dilokwanich, who were key people, instrumental in the start-up of the society.

The TSHE has become a center symbolizing cooperation among Thai institutes which is expected to strengthen both teaching and learning about the environment in Thailand and also to become a key society on environmental issues in the ASEAN community.