The Journal publishes Research Papers (not exceeding 4000 words,) and Reviews (not exceeding 5000 words). The manuscript should not exceed 16 B5 pages (with top and bottom margin of 1 cm, left margin of 2.5 cm, right margin of 2 cm, and spacing between column of 0.5 cm).
Manuscript Preparation
Manuscript should be prepared strictly as per guidelines given below.
Manuscript should contain the Title followed by Author(s) name(s), Author(s) affiliations, Abstract (about 200 words), 4-5 Key words and Text proper.
Title should be concised and typed in single column Times New Roman 14 Bold
Name, Affiliation Times New Roman 12
Abstract should be in single column and indicate the significant findings with data / data-range and conclusions of the paper. Times New Roman 12
Keywords should be in single column and adequately index the subject matter.Times New Roman 12
Text proper should be typed in single column and subdivided into sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgements and References/Bibliographies. The title of each section Times New Roman 12 Bold. Subtitle Times New Roman 12 Italic.
In the list of references/bibliographies at the end of the paper, full and complete references/bibliographies should be given in the following style and punctuation, arranged alphabetically by first author's surname.
Paper in a Journal
Maier HR, Jain A, Dandy GC, Sudheer KP. Methods used for the development of neural networks for the prediction of water resource variables in river systems: Current status and future directions. Environmental Modelling and Software 2010; 25(8): 891-909.
Cohen AJ, Brauer M, Burnett R, Anderson HR, Frostad J, Estep K, Balakrishnan K, Brunekreef B, DandonaL,DandonaRandFeiginV.Estimates and 25-year trends of the global burden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2015. The Lancet 2017; 389(10082): 1907-1918.
Johnson RA, Wichern DW. Applied multivariate statistical analysis. 6th ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall; 2007.
Chapter in a Book
Esclamado R, Cummings CW. Management of the impaired airway in adults. In: Cummings CW, Fredrickson JM, Harker LA, Krause CJ, Schuller DE, editors. Otolaryngology - head and neck surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Year Book; 1993. p. 2001-19.
Unpublished Research including online and personal communication should not be given in the Text and Reference sections. Footnotes should be avoided as far as possible.